An Introduction to JavaServer Faces (JSF) 3




What do we have in this session 3?

  1. Adding Properties



Adding Properties


The Facelets pages that you create in the next section will need to access the number that the user types in, and the generated response. To facilitate this, add userNumber and response properties to the class.


Start by declaring an Integer named userNumber (in bold).




public class UserNumberBean implements Serializable {


    Integer randomInt;

    Integer userNumber;



Select userNumber, right-click in the editor and choose Insert Code (Alt-Insert; Ctrl-I on Mac). Choose Getter and Setter.


Invoking the Insert Code context menu



Selecting the Getter and Setter methods


Select the userNumber : Integer option. Click Generate. Note that the getUserNumber() and setUserNumber(Integer userNumber) methods are added to the class.


Generating the Getter and Setter methods


The following is the screenshot for the generated Setter and Getter methods.










Screenshot for Getter and Setter methods


Create a response property. Declare a String named response (in bold).


@ManagedBean(name = "UserNumberBean")
public class UserNumberBean implements Serializable {
    Integer randomInt;
    Integer userNumber;
    String response;


The following is the screenshot.


Declaring a String variable


Create a getter method for response. (This application will not require a setter.) You could use the IDE's generate code pop-up as shown in the previous step to generate template code.


Invoking the Insert Code context menu for Getter method



Generating the Getter method




Selecting the Getter method for a String variable



The generated Getter method


For purposes of this tutorial however, just paste the below method into the class.


public String getResponse() {
    if ((userNumber != null) && (userNumber.compareTo(randomInt) == 0)) {
        //invalidate user session
        FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        HttpSession session = (HttpSession) context.getExternalContext().getSession(false);
        return "Yay! You got it!";
    } else {
        return "<p>Sorry, " + userNumber + " isn't it.</p>"
                + "<p>Guess again...</p>";


The following is the screenshot for the added source code.










The added source code to the file


The above method performs two functions:


1.    It tests whether the user-entered number (userNumber) equals the random number generated for the session (randomInt) and returns a String response accordingly.

2.    It invalidates the user session if the user guesses the right number (i.e., if userNumber equals randomInt). This is necessary so that a new number is generated should the user want to play again.


Right-click in the editor and choose Fix Imports (Alt-Shift-I; -Shift-I on Mac). Import statements are automatically created for:



Fix imports to fix the undefined symbol






Fixing another import in Java source code


The added imports seen in the source code


You can press Ctrl-Space on items in the editor to invoke code-completion suggestions and documentation support. Press Ctrl-Space on FacesContext to view the class description from the Javadoc.


Invoking the NetBeans java code-completion suggestions and documentation support


Click the web browser ( The web browser icon to view Java documentation via browser) icon in the documentation window to open the Javadoc in an external web browser.


The web browser icon seen in NetBeans IDE



Viewing java documentation using web browser




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