<MySQL DML practice 2 Part 1 |Main Java & Gang |Install, Use jGRASP & Do Java Programming >




MySQL Database and NetBeans Practice:

Another MySQL DML Exercise 2 Part2





  1. Grouping with Row and Group Conditions


Summarize the average GPA of upper-division (junior or senior) students by major. Only list the major with average GPA greater than 3.1.


SELECT StdMajor, AVG(StdGPA) AS AvgGpa

 FROM Student

 WHERE StdClass IN ('JR', 'SR')

 GROUP BY StdMajor

 HAVING AVG(StdGPA) > 3.1;


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  1. Grouping all Rows


List the number of upper-division students and their average GPA.



 FROM Student

 WHERE StdClass = 'JR' OR StdClass = 'SR';


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  1. Grouping on Two Columns


Summarize the minimum and maximum GPA of students by major and class.


SELECT StdMajor, StdClass, MIN(StdGPA) AS MinGPA,

       MAX(StdGPA) AS MaxGPA

 FROM Student

 GROUP BY StdMajor, StdClass;


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  1. Combining Grouping and Joins


Summarize the number of IS course offering by course description.


SELECT CrsDesc, COUNT(*) AS OfferCount

 FROM Course, Offering

 WHERE Course.CourseNo = Offering.CourseNo

   AND Course.CourseNo LIKE 'IS%' 

 GROUP BY CrsDesc;


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  1. Sorting on a Single Column


List the GPA, name, city and state of juniors. Order the result by GPA in ascending order.


SELECT StdGPA, StdFirstName, StdLastName, StdCity, StdState

 FROM Student

 WHERE StdClass = 'JR'



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  1. Sorting on Two Columns with Descending Order


List the rank, salary, name and department of faculty. Order the result by ascending (alphabetic) rank and descending salary.


SELECT FacRank, FacSalary, FacFirstName, FacLastName, FacDept

 FROM Faculty

 ORDER BY FacRank, FacSalary DESC;


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  1. Result with Duplicates


List the city and state of faculty members.


SELECT FacCity, FacState FROM Faculty;


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  1. Eliminating Duplicates with DISTINCT


List the unique city and state combination in the Faculty table.


SELECT DISTINCT FacCity, FacState FROM Faculty;


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  1. Depict Many Parts of SELECT Statement


List the course number, offer number and average grade of students enrolled in fall 2005 IS course offerings in which more than one student is enrolled. Sort the result by course number in ascending order and average grade in descending order.


SELECT CourseNo, Enrollment.OfferNo, AVG(EnrGrade) AS AvgGrade

 FROM Enrollment, Offering

 WHERE CourseNo LIKE 'IS%' AND OffYear = '2005'

   AND OffTerm = 'FALL'

   AND Enrollment.OfferNo = Offering.OfferNo

 GROUP BY CourseNo, Enrollment.OfferNo


 ORDER BY CourseNo, 3 DESC;


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  1. Joining Two Tables


List the student name, offering number and grade of students who have a grade >= 3.5 in a course offering.


SELECT StdFirstName, StdLastName, OfferNo, EnrGrade

 FROM Student, Enrollment

 WHERE EnrGrade >= 3.5

   AND Student.StdSSN = Enrollment.StdSSN;


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  1. Join with Duplicates


List the names of students who have grades >= 3.5 in a course offering.


SELECT StdFirstName, StdLastName

 FROM Student, Enrollment

 WHERE EnrGrade >= 3.5

   AND Student.StdSSN = Enrollment.StdSSN;


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  1. Join with Duplicates Removed


List the names of students (without duplicates) who have grades >= 3.5 in a course offering.


SELECT DISTINCT StdFirstName, StdLastName

 FROM Student, Enrollment

 WHERE EnrGrade >= 3.5

   AND Student.StdSSN = Enrollment.StdSSN;


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  1. Joining Three Tables with Columns from Only Two Tables


List the student names and the offering number in which the grade is greater than 3.7 and the offering is given in fall 2005.


SELECT StdFirstName, StdLastName, Enrollment.OfferNo

 FROM Student, Enrollment, Offering

 WHERE Student.StdSSN = Enrollment.StdSSN

   AND Offering.OfferNo =  Enrollment.OfferNo

   AND OffYear = '2005' AND OffTerm = 'FALL'

   AND EnrGrade >= 3.7;


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  1. Joining Three Tables with Columns from Only Two Tables


List Leonard Vince's teaching schedule in fall 2005. For Each course, list the offering number, course number, number of units. days, location and time.


SELECT OfferNo, Offering.CourseNo, CrsUnits, OffDays, OffLocation, OffTime

 FROM Faculty, Course, Offering

 WHERE Faculty.FacSSN = Offering.FacSSN

   AND Offering.CourseNo = Course.CourseNo

   AND OffYear = '2005' AND OffTerm = 'FALL'

   AND FacFirstName = 'LEONARD'

   AND FacLastName = 'VINCE';


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  1. Joining Four Tables


List Bob Norbert's course schedule in spring 2006. For each course, list the offering number, course number, days, location, time and faculty name.


SELECT Offering.OfferNo, Offering.CourseNo, OffDays, OffLocation, OffTime,

       FacFirstName, FacLastName

 FROM Faculty, Offering, Enrollment, Student

 WHERE Offering.OfferNo = Enrollment.OfferNo

   AND Student.StdSSN = Enrollment.StdSSN

   AND Faculty.FacSSN = Offering.FacSSN

   AND OffYear = '2006' AND OffTerm = 'SPRING'

   AND StdFirstName = 'BOB'

   AND StdLastName = 'NORBERT';


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  1. Joining Five Tables


List Bob Norbert's course schedule in spring 2006. For each course, list the offering number, course number, days, location, time, course units and faculty name.


SELECT Offering.OfferNo, Offering.CourseNo, OffDays,

       OffLocation, OffTime, CrsUnits, FacFirstName, FacLastName

 FROM Faculty, Offering, Enrollment, Student, Course

 WHERE Faculty.FacSSN = Offering.FacSSN

   AND Offering.OfferNo = Enrollment.OfferNo

   AND Student.StdSSN = Enrollment.StdSSN

   AND Offering.CourseNo = Course.CourseNo

   AND OffYear = '2006' AND OffTerm = 'SPRING'

   AND StdFirstName = 'BOB'

   AND StdLastName = 'NORBERT';


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  1. Joining Two Tables without Matching on a Primary and Foreign Key


List students who are on the faculty. Include all student columns in the result.


SELECT Student.* FROM Student, Faculty WHERE StdSSN = FacSSN;


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  1. Join Two Tables Using the Join Operator Style


Retrieve the name, city and grade of students who have is greater than or equal to 3.5 in a course offering.


SELECT StdFirstName, StdLastName, StdCity, EnrGrade

 FROM Student INNER JOIN Enrollment

   ON Student.StdSSN = Enrollment.StdSSN

 WHERE EnrGrade >= 3.5;


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  1. Join Three Tables Using the Join Operator Style


Retrieve the name, city and grade of students who have greater than or equal 3.5 in a course offered in fall 2005.


SELECT StdFirstName, StdLastName, StdCity, EnrGrade

 FROM (Student INNER JOIN Enrollment

     ON Student.StdSSN = Enrollment.StdSSN)

  INNER JOIN Offering

    ON Offering.OfferNo = Enrollment.OfferNo

 WHERE EnrGrade >= 3.5 AND OffTerm = 'FALL'

   AND OffYear = '2005';


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  1. Join Four Tables Using the Join Operator Style


Retrieve the name, city and grade of students who have a greater than or equal to 3.5 in a course offered in fall 2005 taught by Leonard Vince.


SELECT StdFirstName, StdLastName, StdCity, EnrGrade

 FROM ((Student INNER JOIN Enrollment ON Student.StdSSN = Enrollment.StdSSN)

  INNER JOIN Offering ON Offering.OfferNo = Enrollment.OfferNo)

  INNER JOIN Faculty ON Faculty.FacSSN = Offering.FacSSN

 WHERE EnrGrade >= 3.5 AND OffTerm = 'FALL'

   AND OffYear = '2005' AND FacFirstName = 'LEONARD'

   AND FacLastName = 'VINCE';


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  1. Combine the Cross Product and Join Operator Styles


Retrieve the name, city and grade of students who have a greater than or equal to 3.5 in a course offered in fall 2005 taught by Leonard Vince. Same result as previous example should be expected.


SELECT StdFirstName, StdLastName, StdCity, EnrGrade

 FROM ((Student INNER JOIN Enrollment ON Student.StdSSN = Enrollment.StdSSN)

   INNER JOIN Offering ON Offering.OfferNo = Enrollment.OfferNo), Faculty

 WHERE EnrGrade >= 3.5 AND OffTerm = 'FALL'

   AND OffYear = '2005' AND FacFirstName = 'LEONARD'

   AND FacLastName = 'VINCE'

   AND Faculty.FacSSN = Offering.FacSSN;


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  1. Self Join


List faculty member who have a higher salary than their supervisor. List the Social Security number, name and salary of the faculty and supervisor.


SELECT Subr.FacSSN, Subr.FacLastName, Subr.FacSalary,

       Supr.FacSSN, Supr.FacLastName, Supr.FacSalary

 FROM Faculty Subr, Faculty Supr

 WHERE Subr.FacSupervisor = Supr.FacSSN

   AND Subr.FacSalary > Supr.FacSalary;



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  1. More Than One Join between Tables Using Alias Table Names


List the names of faculty members and the course number for which the faculty member teaches the same course number as his or her supervisor in 2006.


SELECT FacFirstName, FacLastName, O1.CourseNo

 FROM Faculty, Offering O1, Offering O2

 WHERE Faculty.FacSSN = O1.FacSSN

   AND Faculty.FacSupervisor = O2.FacSSN

   AND O1.OffYear = '2006' AND O2.OffYear = '2006'

family:"Courier New"; color:maroon">   AND O1.CourseNo = O2.CourseNo;


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  1. Join with Grouping on Multiple Columns


List the course number, the offering number and the number of students enrolled. Only include courses offered in 2006.


SELECT CourseNo, Enrollment.OfferNo, Count(*) AS NumStudents

 FROM Offering, Enrollment

 WHERE Offering.OfferNo = Enrollment.OfferNo

   AND OffYear = '2006' AND OffTerm = 'SPRING'

 GROUP BY Enrollment.OfferNo, CourseNo;


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  1. Join, Grouping and Group Conditions


List the course number, the offering number and the average GPA of students enrolled. Only include courses offered in fall 2005 in which the average GPA of enrolled students is greater than 3.0.


SELECT CourseNo, Enrollment.OfferNo, Avg(StdGPA) AS AvgGPA

 FROM Student, Offering, Enrollment

 WHERE Offering.OfferNo = Enrollment.OfferNo

   AND Enrollment.StdSSN = Student.StdSSN

   AND OffYear = '2005' AND OffTerm = 'FALL'

 GROUP BY CourseNo, Enrollment.OfferNo

 HAVING Avg(StdGPA) > 3.0;


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  1. UNION Query


Show all faculty and students. Only show the common columns in the result


SELECT FacSSN AS SSN, FacFirstName AS FirstName,

       FacLastName AS LastName, FacCity AS City,

       FacState AS State FROM Faculty


SELECT StdSSN AS SSN, StdFirstName AS FirstName,

       StdLastName AS LastName, StdCity AS City,

       StdState AS State FROM Student;


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No INTERSECT (Oracle and SQL Server) AND MINUS (Oracle)/EXCEPT(SQL Server) statements or equivalent found in MySQL 5.x


Data Control Language DCL


DCL SQL statement allows you to control who has access to specific object in your database. With the DCL statements, you can grant or restrict access for example by using the GRANT or REVOKE statements. For other statements, please refer to MySQL documentation.The SQL script used in this practice can be foundhere. The first part of this exercise can be foundhere.





MySQL DML Practice 2:Part 1 |Part 2

<MySQL DML practice 2 Part 1 |Main Java & Gang |Install, Use jGRASP & Do Java Programming >